The 6-month Breathwork Healing experience is a special offer for those ready to dive into inner exploration.

Breathwork is a potent, powerful, and effective tool used to raise not only your mental and emotional states but your physical stamina as well.

Conscious breathing techniques can help to ease ailments of the mind and body, speed up injury recovery time, regulate emotions, develop deeper levels of self-awareness and faith… and so much more.

Click here to read more about what breathwork healing is.

This 6-Month Experience is for those who want to take a deeper look at themselves, taking the time to thoroughly assess and heal all parts of being that need TLC. The shorter programs don’t go nearly as in-depth, nor do they offer as long of sessions to work through everything.

During this experience, we will take a look at where you are at in life right now, where you want to be, and what is standing in your way. Understanding, forgiving, and clearing out these dilemmas/roadblocks from your system at the root then creating a game plan of inspired action to come into full alignment with your ideal self.

With a little sprinkle of dedication to compassionate awareness and a dash of inspired action, anything is possible.

I’ve noticed a pattern over the years while teaching Breathwork, that once the relationship with the breath + self is healed… ALL other relationships suddenly flourish!

I created this container with that in mind, focusing solely on truly healing the patterns of the breath, then moving to internal patterns.

After we take the time to thoroughly assess and heal all internal wounds then we are able to see with true clarity the state of all other relationships that are not aligned with integrity, compassion, and understanding.

These relationships include but are not limited to:

  • spouse

  • parents

  • children

  • business

  • money

  • nutrition/health

  • God

  • friendships

We will take the time to focus on each of these areas where there is misalignment, bringing you fully back to your vibrant internal state as well as your ideal self for showing up for others fully.

In this container, we will meet virtually once a week for 6 months. During the first 3-months, a deep awareness of self is created, while simultaneously working through all of the self-sabotage, negative beliefs, and childhood traumas that come to the surface.

Using breathwork to quiet the mind’s chatter, you are able to clearly see what needs to be healed or given special attention to within.

It all starts with you

Click here to Schedule a call with Delany Christine

or Chat Today by clicking below.