Breath… “Work”?

Some of you may be wondering… “OK Delany, you post nonstop about “Breathwork,” but what is it exactly?

Breathwork covers a range of conscious breathing techniques and exercises to bring more oxygen into your body.. helping to ease physical, emotional, and mental stress.

This practice can bring you into a meditative state due to having a clear and guided focal point.

Thus making it easier to achieve that “quiet mind” we all seek.

Because let's be honest, a sitting meditation focusing on letting your thoughts go… doesn’t work for most of us. Instead, it ends in frustration or not the completely peaceful mind we are trying to achieve.

With Breathwork it is SO easy to let the mind go and experience true embodiment!

The different breathing exercises you can practice may be utilized for a multitude of reasons... Each one brings different results depending on your chosen intentions and goals.

For example, adjusting your breath to run a marathon is a different approach than what you would learn to connect to your emotional intelligence and release deep traumas.

They all have their purpose, and your breathwork guide would know which is best for you.


Transformational Breathwork is what I teach the most to clients. This is a circular connected breath pattern that you enter for 60-90 minutes, in and out through the mouth focusing on your belly inflating like a balloon! This is not only to retrain our diaphragm but to also release limiting fears, beliefs, memories holding you back, etc. It is truly a TRANSFORMATION of your whole being.


60-90 minutes may sound like a lot of time to experience breathwork, but that is for deep and focused work on your internal state.

You can tap into the breath for only 5 minutes and regulate your nervous system - calming down from an anxiety attack or high nerves for a big speech.

Not only what kind of breath exercise you use, but the amount of time you do it also determines what shifts within you.

Check out these super easy exercises you can do in less than 5 minutes!

Breathwork has helped many people experience:

  • Mental clarity

  • Stress relief → lowers blood pressure!

  • Physical pain/ailment relief → decreased inflammation!

  • Deeper understanding and connection with self

  • Emotional stability

  • Immune system regulation

  • Increased energy and metabolism

  • Sense of purpose

  • Alkalized blood PH

    … The list goes on!

What feels off balance or could use some TLC in your body and/or life?


An Embodiment Practice is the New Mindset Work