Develop Self-Love Using Breathwork Healing

Self-Love is a hot hot topic these days! This subject is at the top of the trends list constantly, which is amazing. Especially for the sake of our society's overall health.

If you didn't know, I’m currently halfway through a 6-month dive with my wonderful clients. This special container is focused on healing the relationship with the self. And no, I'm not talking about taking salt baths with a glass of wine and rose petals floating in the water... Although that is always lovely. What I’m talking about is REAL self-care to develop a true sense of love for oneself, inevitably expanding outward.

Self-love is a process, one that takes dedicated practice and a certain order of steps to embody.

The first step is cultivating self-awareness.

To give a few examples for you:

-This means becoming aware of daily habits.

-Acknowledging how you feel on all levels (mentally, emotionally, physically) when you eat healthy vs. unhealthy.

-What the quality of your thoughts look like on a daily basis.

-How you handle situations and experiences when in a “bad” mood. -What kind of people you surround yourself with and how you feel after leaving their presence.

Self-awareness is developed by practicing mindfulness meditations, or embodiment exercises. Journaling to see your thoughts from an outside perspective, and simply giving yourself time to self-reflect.

The next step is developing healthy self-care practices.

A self-care practice will remove all the old, bad habits holding you back. Thus, allowing you to create more space for what makes you feel good! To me, this is the nitty-gritty work that is, well... work. Repetitive work at that.

For example:

-Removing friends that aren’t supportive of the “new” you emerging.

-Honoring when your body and mind say no to processed food but your tastebuds are begging.

-Taking the steps to remove unhealthy thoughts and old programming by practicing breathwork or another form of movement meditation.

-Listening to your intuition even when your ego is fighting it.

-Giving yourself plenty of alone time, completely unplugged.

Once you have a strong understanding of self-awareness and have picked up self-care habits that benefit your growth, the next step is following some basic self-love tips.

Below is a list of a few essential Self-Love practices:

  • Journaling

  • Exercise

  • Mindful Consumption (food, tv, social media, etc.)

  • Healthy Boundaries

  • Living in nonjudgement of all

  • Constant Forgiveness

  • Alone time, unplugged (in nature!)

  • Surrounding yourself with supportive people

  • Staying true to Self! Always honoring intuition and that quiet little voice in the back of your mind

Self-love isn't something that we achieve overnight by swiping our credit card for that new purse or over-indulging in those sweets. Self-love is a conscious practice of calling yourself out on your bullshit over and over again. Building yourself up into the person you know you can be! Living a life where you are no longer ashamed of any parts of yourself. Removing all regret, shame, and doubt. Fully coming back home, into your grounded center.

Food for thought…

1) How many of these practices do you use?

2) Where do you think you can improve?

3) Do you feel aligned with your grounded center and full of self-love?

If you answered no to the third question,

I invite you to check out my 6-month container: relationship with self.


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