Pregnancy and Breathwork Meditation

Did you know pregnancy is a contraindication for Breathwork?

While it is important to have an open, flowing breath for baby… an intense Breathwork practice is not needed for that to happen, nor is it recommended.

Most breath exercises aren’t completely safe for mama and growing baby, especially not during the first and second trimesters!

It’s good to have a breath awareness practice developed for when the end of the third trimester comes around, though, and you need this powerful tool to help move through the intensities that arise.

I didn’t know this information through my first pregnancy, but I also didn’t do intense Breathwork sessions because it didn’t feel right.

My intuition was correct.

While reading “The Breathing Cure” earlier this year, I stumbled across this fact backed by years of scientific studies.

Most Breathwork facilitators say that it is safe for everyone! (I’ve heard this way too many times which is very careless in my opinion).

While it isn’t a completely false statement - breathing is truly for everyone - there are certain illnesses and health problems that it’s not recommended for. I will dive more into this in another post.

So what do I do during pregnancy?

Conscious, connected breathing is definitely still a part of my self-care routine.

I keep it simple, calm and focused completely on my womb.

Gentle breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Filtering the air that comes in and releasing all the toxins in my body with ease during the exhale.

While I don’t stir up energy in an intense way to deal with unresolved issues within, when something arises in the external world that triggers me, I sit with it and focus on my breathing and how it has changed. Consciously coming back to the center point.

I don’t believe it is necessary or needed to do deep inner work through pregnancy.

The important self-work to do still is dealing with triggers that arise to the surface. Growing a baby is not the time to be digging up muck buried deep in our subconscious.

Our job as the safe container is to hold powerful and clear space for this being to grow and flourish within.

If you are pregnant and would like to have the proper space held during this time, as well as cultivate tools for giving birth, click the button below to chat.

If you would like more information about Breathwork offers click here instead.


Develop Self-Love Using Breathwork Healing