A Breathwork Exercise to Release Anxiety

Do you need a simple, quick, and effective way to release your anxiety?

Inhale for 4 seconds through your nose, expanding your belly like a balloon

Exhale for 6 seconds through your nose, bringing your belly button in towards your spine

repeat until feeling calm and relaxed

It is inevitable that at times we all deal with racing thoughts, monkey mind, the “what’s ifs” of the future, or for some of us - the physical experience of high anxiety.

Coping with it not using medication can be hard, but I promise you the breath can calm you enough to settle into this reality.

Stepping out of the future thoughts and worry, grounding back down into the now, and remembering everything is ok and will be ok.

Repeat the affirmation below while practicing the exercise to remind yourself that you are always supported

I let go and let God

This breath technique shared will activate the relaxation centers of the nervous system, as well as optimize physical functions.

So even if you don’t feel anxious, use this exercise anytime to just experience breath awareness and ground back down into your body.


An Embodiment Practice is the New Mindset Work


3 Breath Exercises You Can Do Everyday In Less Than 5 Minutes